
Link to advocacy compass: Agribusiness Committee | EuroCham WhiteBook (

The Agribusiness Committee is open to EuroCham members which are involved in the Cambodian Agricultural Business sector or have a significant interest in agricultural business sector or food processing.

The Committee is a platform for discussion and exchange with the view of identifying issues affecting business in the agricultural business sector and proposing constructive solutions to the Royal Government through the Government-Private Sector Forum and other venues of consultation.

The committee organize public events to promote public-private dialogue on information sharing in the field of agricultural business activities.


  • To promote and maintain constructive engagement with the Royal Government of Cambodia, like-minded companies and associations.
  • To advocate with the Royal Government of Cambodia through the Government-Private Sector Forum Working Group on Agriculture & Agro-industry and other venues of dialogue. 
  • To organize a public event for companies involved in agribusiness and food processing to discuss common issues and challenges to the industry in Cambodia and relevant information.
  • To provide support to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in its reforming action in order to increase the development of the Agricultural Business sector in Cambodia.
  • To develop position papers and contribute to the European Chamber of Commerce White Book and to reflect on policies, regulations and practices applied by Cambodia and neighboring countries.
  • To foster public-private dialogue mechanisms by providing inputs to the regulatory drafts proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries whenever possible.

Committee Leadership 

Okhna Sovithya Sothy
Ms. Ingrid Van Ginkel
Mr. Chan SereiRatha