EuroCham Roadshow in France and Germany

As part of our expanding Outreach program that aims to to raise awareness about business opportunities in Cambodia amongst European investors, EuroCham Cambodia attended meetings and conferences in France and Germany throughout April.

Fabrice Bernard, our newly appointed Outreach manager, met five Chambers of Commerce in Marseille, Grenoble, Strasbourg, Lille and Paris to strengthen the existing links we have through the CCIFC and discuss further events to be organized later this year. Consequently, 4 information sessions to groups of French companies will be held by EuroCham with these collaborative partners before the end of 2016.

Meetings with institutions such as CCI France International, the umbrella association of French chambers of commerce abroad, also proved productive. The goal  was to discuss how EuroCham can better leverage the very strong network of the French Chambers of Commerce to improve the perception of Cambodia in France.

From 25 to 29 April, Eurocham Cambodia participated in the 2016 Hannover Messe, one of the leading worldwide industrial fairs organized every year in Germany. Together with our colleagues from Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, we occupied a booth at the fair in order to promote the EU-ASEAN Business networks (all the ICI+ programs of the region) and the services that we can offer to prospective investors. Our aim was to increase the visibility of our countries during the event, as well as answering questions of exhibiting and visiting companies wishing to learn more about business opportunities in Cambodia. Interesting contacts have been initiated with German associations and trade offices from Central Europe, which offer interesting opportunities for our upcoming outreach activities.


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