EuroCham maintains a running list of new laws and changes to regulation that affect the business community. Below are the most recent:
- 20120415 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Preah Sihanouk
- 20210401 MoH Guideline on health measures during Khmer New Year
- 20210401 PPCA Decision on curfew
- 20210402 PPCA Notification on Daily vaccination plan
- 20210405 MoH Letter on COVID-19 measures reminder for healthcare service providers
- 20210405 PPCA Notification on enhancing health safety measures during Khmer New Year
- 20210406 MoH Notification on COVID-19 patient home doctors
- 20210406 RGC Decision on inter-provincial travel and tourism areas restriction
- 20210407 MoH Guideline on COVID-19 patient home treatment
- 20210408 MEF and MoI Joint Prakas on Penalities for COVID-19 measures violation
- 20210408 RGC Subdecree on VAT implementatino on e-commerce business
- 20210410 Decision on alcohol sale ban
- 20210413 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Tbong Khmum
- 20210413 PPCA Decision on extension of curfew
- 20210413 Royal Decree on Operation of Kep provincial court
- 20210414 RGC Decision on Phnom Penh and Takmao lockdown
- 20210415 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Kampong Thom
- 20210415 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Kampot
- 20210415 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Takeo
- 20210415 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Prey Veng
- 20210415 MoLVT Decision on the types of factories and enterprises permitted to operate during lockdown
- 20210417 MoJ Summary of Decision 50
- 20210417 RGC Decision 50 on Modification of Lockdown Measures in Phnom Penh and Takhmao KH ENG
- 20210417 RGC Decision on extension of inter-provincial travel and tourism areas restriction
- 20210418 GDT Guideline on E-documents submission system
- 20210418 PPCA Instruction on Amendments of travel measures in Phnom Penh
- 20210419 MEF Decision on Abrogation of the Decision 018
- 20210419 MoH Notification on Second Dose Vaccination in Phnom Penh and Takmao
- 20210419 MoI Letter on Alcohol advertisement suspension
- 20210419 RGC Instruction on detail lockdown measures
- 20210420 MoH Notification on Additional COVID-19 vaccination sites
- 20210421 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Kampong Cham
- 20210421 MoH Press Release on permission for private health service providers on the sale of medicine in RED Zone
- 20210422 MoC Notification Alternativeonline System Mark Registration
- 20210423 MoH Guideline on COVID-19 rapid antigen test
- 20210423 PPCM Decision on closure of all state owned and unstandardized markets
- 20210424 PPCM instruction on alcohol sale ban
- 20210425 MoH Press Release on permitting private hospitals to treat COVID-19 patients
- 20210425 RGC Instruction on strengthening health measures implementation
- 20210426 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Poi Pet
- 20210426 MEF Prakas on procedures for patent tax collection
- 20210426 MoJ Summary of the Decision 54
- 20210426 RGC Decision on extension of Phnom Penh and Takmao lockdown
- 20210426 Summary of Red, Dark Yellow and Yellow zones by GMAC
- 20210427 PPCA Decision on Red, Dark Yellow and Yellow zones
- 20210427 PPCA Notification on Extension of travel permit validity
- 20210428 Cambodia Embassy in Thailand Summary of Measures on Traveling into Cambodia
- 20210428 MoH Notification on travel facilitation for healthcare official and staff including pharmacist during lockdown
- 20210428 PPAC Instruction on business activities in Yellow Zone
- 20210503 RGC Decision on Lifting Phnom Penh and Takmao Lockdown measures
- Map of Dark Yellow and Yellow zones in Takmao
- Map of Red, Dark Yellow and Yellow zones in Phnom Penh
- Summary of the Decision 049 on Phnom Penh and Takmao lockdown